Light is our original and present nature. Sometimes, because of distraction and toxicity, we do not recognize this light, and instead we see its modifications as form and space. This distraction and toxicity has become systematized over long periods of time and now presents itself through the scientific lens as biology and genetics. That doesn't mean biology and genetics are by themselves toxic, but rather that species-specific toxicity is also codified as and into biology and genetics. This is why, for example, changes in DNA (mutations) can occur.
Numocore clears toxicity out of the bodymind. It is this toxicity in its many forms—including chemicals, beliefs, and confusion—that serves as the veil distorting the recognition of light. Therefore, Numocore is the path to recognizing our light.
The original healer is light itself. The reason why all of us can heal and are healing is because light is already in our nature. Therefore, wounds heal, DNA is repaired, and thoughts and feelings are engaged, clarified, and processed. We even have entire processes of healing like homeostasis and the immune system that simply codify the balance of light needed for the human organism to function well.
Because light is our original nature, the deeper we go into our anatomy, the more light reveals itself. As we move from the Physical Body to the Mental Body, light increases. From the Mental Body to the Energetic Body, light can increase dramatically. From the Energetic body to the luminiferous Information Body, light is. And ultimately, we arrive at where we have always been: the body of Consciousness, the essence of awareness.
You are of the nature of light. You are healing. Numocore is the facilitating method.