अधिकारियों के लिए
As an executive, you see the big picture as well as its moving parts. But do you see the lens you're looking through?
There is a growing body of literature in the field of consciousness studies suggesting the popular lens our world culture teaches us to look through is merely one of many lenses. The literature suggests that what we understand as “me” and “mine” is far more than a feeling produced by the brain; it’s a gateway to recognizing a deeper, more meaningful, more insightful, and more powerful identity that is the bedrock of who and what you are.
Why does this matter for me as an executive?
Your consciousness informs every intuition, thought, feeling, and perception you have, as well as every action you take. Few recognize how deep the vault of consciousness runs. Recognizing this vault giving rise to your cognitive process shifts your sense of identity, meaning, purpose, how you perceive the world, and your ability to be still and comprehensively assess whatever comes your way. The information and practices we explore are the same ones described in ancient wisdom traditions and the same ones Anoop has used for over fifteen years while diagnosing and managing multiple, concurrent life-threatening emergencies in the ER.
As an executive, you set the tone for your team, organization, and perhaps even an entire industry. What you recognize matters, because it sets the standard others play by. That standard and your organization should be informed by the broadest and deepest vision possible.
The frontiers of consciousness are, quite simply, the leading edge of the leading edge. There is no topic, no subject, no exploration more cutting-edge or fulfilling than this for the intrepid explorer.
You are a human being first and a professional second (or third, or fourth). Each one of us has the need for safety, understanding, love, acceptance, meaning, and self-actualization, even though this often goes unacknowledged in our world culture. Compartmentalization can be an effective tactic for a period of time, but sooner or later the crossroads of integration will command the attention of every human being.
"People look for retreats for themselves, in the country, by the coast, or in the hills… There is nowhere that a person can find a more peaceful and trouble-free retreat than in his [or her] own mind… So constantly give yourself this retreat, and renew yourself."
Marcus Aurelius
How does Self-Unfoldment for Executives (SFX) work?
SFX is a six-month one-on-one program with Anoop Kumar for executives who wish to develop a greater degree of self-awareness, clarity, and grounding in life that will serve them in and beyond their executive roles. The deeper skillset of recognizing, seeing through, and managing the mind is what we work on through a variety of tactics, using the grounding of the Three Minds framework. Through this process, you will realize deeper layers of yourself that ultimately will inform your vision and actions in all areas of life. You will be de-compartmentalized. This is self-unfoldment.
The program is completed remotely with regular communication via email, phone, and video chat, with a primary focus on deep introspection.
SFX includes six modules, one per month:
The Resting Mind
The Awakening Mind
The Clear Mind
The Dynamic Mind
The Free Mind
Each module includes introspective and lifestyle practices that will customized for you based on the nature of your mind. Program details will differ as each mind is unique.
What do I get out of this?
At the end of six months, you will:
notice a greater level of self-awareness
have insights into the stories and compartments you create
be able to choose which stories serve you best in which situations
have a greater understanding of the relationship between your identity, mind, consciousness, and body, as well as how these interface with the world you perceive
have insights into the relationships you are in
have a new set of skills with which to manage the mind
recognize love, connection, and meaning within yourself
know when and how to use thinking and feeling
have the ability to continue progressing on your own
The primary goal of SFX is to transform the way you experience yourself and your life for the better in the above ways, and as a result, to positively influence the people, companies, and industries you touch. SFX is not therapy and does not substitute for seeing a mental or physical health professional.
How is SFX different from other executive coaching programs?
SFX is developed from Anoop's decades of experimenting with his own mind via meditative techniques as well as studying and digesting the ancient Indian philosophy of advaita vedanta, which details the relationship between the cosmos, the human being, and the depths of consciousness. The resulting knowledge, cross-referenced and coupled with scientific and medical understanding, practical techniques, and the realities of daily living, is the heart of SFX.
Anoop was fortunate to grow up in the presence of many sages who kindly imparted their insights and guidance to him over the years. While Anoop was reading in his bedroom one day, a shift occurred in the experience of self and perception of the world. It took over ten intense years for him to adjust to a new way of perceiving and experiencing life–a process that continued as he completed his training in emergency medicine, got married, became a father, practiced in a high acuity emergency department, and dealt with challenging situations in his own family. During this transformative period, Anoop looked closely into the finer processes of integration and self-unfoldment, some of which he has communicated in his books and talks through the Three Minds framework.
This real-world experience is key. Everything shared in this program is based in ongoing living experience and exploration–not a book, not somebody else's philosophy or spirituality, and not cookie-cutter ideas of leadership.
"Aim at the highest, and you shall reach the highest."
Swami Vivekananda
Is self-unfoldment effective?
Consciousness studies and self-awareness practices have been around in some form for millennia, and they have been found to be not only relevant but cutting-edge in many fields, including:
science (neuroscience, transpersonal psychology, microdosing and pharmacology, quantum physics)
healthcare (mind-body medicine, integrative medicine)
leadership (self-awareness, quantum leadership)
sports (peak performance training)
Therefore, the question is not whether self-unfoldment works, but how it can be activated.
I want to learn more
Contact Dr. Kumar using the form below to learn more about SFX. Please include the reason you are choosing to explore this now, your professional title, and your company's name.