It's mind-boggling when you think about it. There are numerous cases of people who have reversed heart disease with a clear protocol. So why isn't reversing heart disease the standard in healthcare?
There are numerous people who have healed from what we call schizophrenia. So why isn't reversing or healing schizophrenia the standard in healthcare?
There are numerous people who have healed from apparently incurable cancers. Why isn't hashtag#healing and curing apparently incurable cancer the standard in healthcare?
Why isn't every single grand rounds talking about how such people have healed??? What topic is more important in healthcare?
Despite all the breathless talk about innovation and leadership in healthcare, the bar is far too low. We should not be using these words unless we are ready to raise the bar dramatically from merely health care to health and cure itself. Right now, we are too content to continue researching when the answers are obvious.
Nutrition. Movement. Connection. Rest. No, that's not just public health. That's healthcare. That's reversing disease. That's healing. That's cure. When we demand it, and when we hold ourselves to that standard, we will move from just health care systems to true health systems.
If you speak about innovation and leadership in healthcare or any other sector, please add this to your talking points. We absolutely must raise the bar. It's not rocket science. It's been done. Many people know how. Talk to them. Interview them. Bring them to grand rounds and keynotes. Show clinical and administrative staff what healing and cure look like so they can be inspired to find a way to raise the bar.
This affects all of us. Let's hold ourselves to a higher standard.