Come. Walk with me to the hilltop.
See. Things look different from here.
Note what is happening in the plains. We are a free people, are we not? But look how conversation is stunted. Ask too many questions, and you are turned away. If you don't publicly stay on the straight and narrow, you may venture into conspiracy. And there cannot be—or must not be—conspiracy, you see, because we are civilized, and we are a free people. The logic is sound, is it not?
See the new religion of science, with experts laden with degrees on all sides of the issue. Espouse one perspective and produce the science. Declare the opposite and produce the science. Forgotten are the questions of what can be measured and what cannot, of who is measuring and why, of who can afford to measure and publicize and who cannot. Forgotten is the fact that science sits within sociology and not the other way around.
The tale of our times is not a tale at all. It is an absence. An absence of the story of where we sit along the greater arc of generations. See the denizens walking, looking, not sure what to see. So many tales have been spun that we are tired of them. Yet our hearts always inform a spoken story as we come together. What is our story?
See. A new age of spirituality has apparently dawned. See the apparent integration of science and spirituality. But something is still missing. The old story hasn't been defined. There is no contrast, no tension to spring forth from.
See the manner of gait. There is a reluctance to state what is happening. There is a taste for hurry and advancement, for innovation, for leadership, for spirituality, for technology, for intelligence even if it be artificial, for progress, and for the tantalizing arrival that is just around the corner if we just... keep... following... our... educated... path... Yet, without declaring what is with crystal clarity, how can we truly declare what can be? Without tasting the sour, is there any meaning to the sweet?
I'm not asking you to throw away your degrees, only to allow your vision to penetrate through, around, and beyond them. They are indicators of where we were, not where we are going. The education that brought us here will not be the education that carries us forward. See. We must provide safer passage, a way home from (t)here to here. We must bring people to this hilltop and let them breathe.
We are a free people, are we not?