The world can be seen and experienced as many things. It can also be seen and experienced as unity. Between these two ranges live all philosophies, models of anatomy and technologies.
The greatest technology, if we want to call it technology at all, is you - not only because we have created the other technologies of this world, but because even the technology of our physiology itself has come from deep within us.
We have the knowledge. We have the power.
We are the knowledge. We are the power.
When we fragment this knowledge into divisions like proton and electron, mind and matter, space and time, here and there, and so on, our glimpse of the essential underlying nature of this world and ourselves is also fragmented - useful in many contexts, no doubt, and also fragmented and limiting.
The key is to see all of these views as perspectives. In other words, rather than standing in front of these perspectives and looking back to understand them, stand in the place prior to any particular perspective, and look in front of you to see how perspectives are constructed. This way, you lose none of the knowledge of the perspective itself, and you gain the tremendous power that comes from seeing around, through, and beyond any particular perspective.
This planet is in the process of a transition from a fragmented view to a whole view, from a "physical"-first view, to a knowledge, awareness, and love-based view, from a dis-ease view to a health view. If this is true, then power, love, and knowledge are already your nature.
Indeed, they are.