The 2 most important topics in the world.
1. The primacy of consciousness. This means non-local consciousness is fundamental and what we call matter is a pattern of consciousness. We ourselves are subsets of this consciousness and can go beyond the local mind and body to experience broader ranges of what we are across lifetimes and dimensions. The shift from the primacy of matter to the primacy of consciousness brings tremendous power. Most critically, accessing this endless resource requires no formal education, no money, no belief, no special anything. Unsurprisingly, it's often derided and not taught in schools.
2. Extraterrestrial intelligence. Why do we publicly believe we may be the only intelligent life in the universe? Why do we publicly believe that all those civilizations that communicated about beings from the sky with advanced technology were just being silly? Why do we publicly ignore the detailed reports of people interacting with extraterrestrials?
Topics 1 and 2 above are closely related because an expansion in consciousness directly leads to an expansion in perception, and the other way around. Why is this so important? Just think about what we've been taught in school.
*We have been taught that physical matter is what matters.
*We have implicitly been taught that mind is kind of strange. It's woo. It's bias - even if no human being has ever experienced matter independent of mind.
*We've been taught that when you are given multiple choices, one of them will be correct. (See political parties and elections)
*We've been taught that correctly repeating what others say and extrapolating from their thinking gives you good grades and is a sign of intelligence and expertise.
Now we have a problem, because the two massive topics we are not supposed to engage with also happen to offer the easiest access to the most fundamental elements of life, including love, intelligence, depth, power, truth, and knowledge of science, philosophy, history, and advanced technology. These are absolutely critical to understanding the big picture on this planet, including the dark elements that are difficult to steadily see without grounding in the light.
All else in terms of societal life are governed downstream from these two massive topics that are generally non-existent in daily conversation. See the relevance?
The fantastic news is the moment we see this and dare to venture into the unknown, the unknown also opens its doors to us. Step by step, we reach there.
I'm an emergency doctor, so I see this in terms of health. Health is wholeness. Health is power. Health is love. Health is truth. Health is realizing our true nature and what is happening on this planet, and the healing and inner technology that spontaneously comes to light in this process.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain
Love and gratitude