If we created the most powerful non-pill drug in the world, would people still want it?
Introducing Numocore. The non-drug drug that out-drugs all drugs. After many years of negotiations, Health Revolution and Sreesha Sreenivasan have created an exclusive relationship with federal and medical regulators that allows everyone in society to prescribe Numocore! The secret? Regulators have determined that our non-drug drug out-drugs all other drugs because of its amazing safety profile and expansive scope of healing.
You should've seen it. The regulators' jaws hit the floor in the meeting!
They couldn't believe the number of conditions that are cured, reversed, and prevented with Numocore!
In fact, these regulators wanted to self-prescribe Numocore immediately! We said NO PROBLEM!!! You already have the knowledge!!
We said–get your Numocore score! Check where you are in the health process!
You won't believe what happened next. These regulators whipped out their phones, went to healthrevolution.org/score, got their score, and began self-prescribing Numocore right then and there!! I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes.
Their reasoning was that Numocore has ALREADY BEEN PROVEN for centuries! They said the largest clinical trial in the world is actually the Numocore trial which has been auto-running for centuries, in fact maybe millennia!
It was just too much for me! I mean, I knew they were right, but you should've seen their faces when it all clicked for them. They lit up! They knew they and their families didn't have to suffer! They couldn't believe that side effects of a non-drug drug that out-drugs all other drugs could actually be good!
After a cathartic couple hours, we were all exhausted. A deep healing had happened. It's like the seed of healing had sprouted right in the heart of an industry that had seen pain and limitation for so long.
So grateful.