The mind and body are not fundamentally different. They are one process expressing as different forms, colors, and subtleties. Understanding and experiencing this is possibly the greatest form of healing, as it unlocks so much that is believed to be impossible.
Much of the media and science around health operates in division and duality, focusing our perspective on pills and surgery. This is also why so many diseases are considered incurable. The science is frankly built on an unexamined, limited, and insufficient philosophical foundation.
Look within yourself, and you will find no line between mind and body. Continuously examine this, and you will see the limiting assumptions in medical science and advertising. It is not that we cannot use such science, but rather that we must be aware of the limitations it entrains and thereby not be susceptible to them.
Healing is possible. Healing is happening all around you and within you, all the time. Attend to this, and it magnifies through all processes, whether we call them mind, body, environment, or otherwise.