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Writer's pictureAnoop Kumar, MD

It's slowly coming together

A couple nights ago, a group of us explored the implications of the Three Minds Framework–a way of understanding consciousness and how it relates to our life and the physical world. One of the comments struck me as deeply meaningful. Laurie said what Health Revolution is doing is everything. It's putting all the pieces together.

She's exactly right.

From the outset, we have set out to build an ecosystem, because this cosmos is an ecosystem. It's one thing playing as many, and vice versa. At the same time, what we are doing has to be practical, because it also arises from a need I see in the ER with my patients: the need to recognize the power of health and healing within each person. Right now there is a tremendous power differential in healthcare whereby knowledge appears to be within the system, whereas true, deep knowledge of health and healing is within each person. The ultimate role of healthcare is to unleash that power in each person, not be a possessor of power.

Yet it is impossible to talk about healthcare in isolation and get the job done. The ways of thinking built into healthcare come from deeper ideas that are seeded early in our lifetimes in this society. So it takes an ecosystem approach to heal systems deeply.

Happily, I'm seeing this in our activities and posts over the last couple days:

*I recently wrote about the transition our planet and society is moving through now–and how and why we will steward this process rather than be caught in it.

*My co-founder Sreesha Sreenivasan penned a newsletter exploring what it means to be whole in a practical sense. 

*Haritha Krishnarathnam shared a post highlighting a keynote I'll be giving for the Validation Institute on raising the bar on hashtag#workforce health.

*Georgetown SCS Institute for Transformational Leadership shared a post highlighting an event in which Jessica Srikantia Field, Ph.D. and I will be facilitating an exploration into transformational leadership.

*Sreesha is visiting integrative science academies in India to bring this knowledge to the world through a deeper understanding of anatomy and physiology

*Many of us jointly explored the primacy of consciousness in a recent webinar, yielding insights into how consciousness influences healing and what it reveals about the context of our lifetime.

*Health Revolution developed an ad showing how prescribing Numocore (nutrition movement connection rest) rather than a drug can help people heal, recognize their power, and become independent of medication.

Wholeness, health, healing leadership, politics, transformation, value in healthcare, consciousness, metaphysics–it's all related. It's all the same thing when you look closely or when you zoom out to a 50,000 foot view. It's only in the middle ground that the lines appear, apparently dividing these categories.

I'm delighted that it's slowly coming together. 

Everything is connected.

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