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Healing is possible
If you are a clinician and you are unhappy, in pain, suicidal, confused, disillusioned, jaded, bored, exhausted, cynical, burned out, morally injured, or simply curious and ready for the next stage of your growth, I see you, I honor you, and I welcome you here. I promise I won't waste your time. I won't give you half-baked truths about what is happening in healthcare and what we have to do about it. What I will do is tell you three levels of truth about what is happening in healthcare and in your career. I will be honest and, for better or worse, will not sugarcoat things, because you deserve the truth.
Anoop Kumar, MD, MM
Levels of Truth in Healthcare
Level 1
What most know + most say
There are conflicts of interest in every area of healthcare that make money on disease
Healthcare costs in the U.S. are unreasonably high and unpredictable across healthcare facilities
Americans spend far more per capita on healthcare than other countries
Healthcare provides an essential service and is especially good at helping people in acute emergencies, while generally managing chronic conditions without curing them
Level 2
What some know + some say
The physician suicide rate in the U.S. is twice the rate of the general population
Over 4 in 10 nurses are moderately to severely anxious. Over 1 in 4 nurses are severely depressed.
The evidence of evidence-based medicine is often compromised to the extent that we cannot easily tell when a study is valid or not
In medical school, we do not study health. We study disease. We actually don't know what health, wholeness, and human potential truly are
Only about half of physicians trust healthcare leaders and executives
Level 3
What few know + few say
Medical training divides the mind from the body without scientific consideration while seeming scientfic, offering a machine-like view of the human being
Burnout, moral injury, and clinician suicide are actually evidence of an outdated medical science stuck in a classical model of human anatomy, without consideration of quantum science
Psychedelics, spiritual insight, and near-death experiences are associated with dramatic healing that opens the door to a radical understanding of consciousness, mind, and body
Level 1 truths
are generally accepted.
Level 2 truths make the room uncomfortable.
Level 3 truths are radical. They change your life.
If you understand and assimilate Level 3 truths, you will start healing and change your life. How do I know? It happened to me.
Start here
1. Learn a better way to do an H&P, clinical assessment, and plan of care.
2. Learn an updated, comprehensive approach to human anatomy.
3. Re-think the mind-body connection
Medical Schools Ignore the Nature of Consciousness at Great Cost
A Framework Beyond Biopsychosocial Medicine
Medical Science is Due for a Software Patch
What are the Three Minds?
4. Re-consider "mental illness"
Depression as a Disorder of Consciousness
My conversation with a fellow physician about depression
Are we really in a "mental health pandemic?"
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